Combustion engines
Even if combustion engines in passenger cars will be replaced to a large extent by electric engines over the next few years, there are many applications in which it will not be possible to fully replace them with alternative engines in the foreseeable future.
We test combustion engines for a wide range of different applications, and support our customers in their development work. In addition to certification-relevant testing programs like NEFZ or WHTC, we can complete any manufacturer-specific tests. These include
- stationary and dynamic endurance testing of engine mechanics
- testing cycles to measure exhaust emissions
- testing in a tilted position to optimised oil circulation
- highly complex online wear measurements.
Test benches
Our test benches with in-house automation can operate motors with less than 100 W to multiple megawatts of power. We equip them as needed with a variety of measurement technology (such as exhaust components, vibrations, pressures, temperatures and much more). Brakes and e-machines are available in many different sizes for load lifting and to measure motor properties like oscillating weight, cooling and vibration behaviour. Coolant circuits can also be connected.
We construct test benches to simulate as close to real conditions as possible for the specific motor type and its later application. This allows us to operate all kinds of engines, from simple series motors to high power motorsports engines.